autonomous solar lighting systems

Backed by years of research and innovation ZINCOMETAL once again breaks new ground by introducing Autonomous Solar Lighting Systems.
Its purpose is to be friendly to the environment without deprived of anything by combining the design with the eco aspect of life.
The big range of ZINCOMETAL’s products breaks the standardization by giving the chance to the inspired customers to create something unique according to their needs.
Each Autonomous Solar Lighting System can be used in Urban, in Street and in Residential areas.
Depends on the way and the area of batteries installation can be divided into 3 categories:
  • Type “F” (battery on the prefab base)
  • Type ”D” (battery on the base of the pole)
  • Type “U” (battery on the top of the pole)
 which can be used in a big range of collection poles by achieving the customers desire for autonomy (usually 2-3 days). 

Please contact us for more details!

συστήματα Φ/Β ιστών φωτισμού LED

συστήματα Φ/Β ιστών φωτισμού LED
Αυτόνομα ηλιακα συστήματα ιστών φωτισμού LED.
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P/V solar LED lights

do it yourself
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